Trusted Anxiety Expertise Backed by Medical Professionals
Endorsed by leading medical experts, the Charles Linden Anxiety Recovery method is widely recognised for its integrity and effectiveness. Medical professionals trust the program’s proven strategies for addressing anxiety at its core, offering lasting recovery. Their testimonials confirm the program’s credibility, ensuring expert-backed, effective care through The Anxiety Project.
Expert-Approved Solutions for Lasting Anxiety Recovery
Dr. Claire Bolton MBChB
"Charles has worked extremely hard and has succeeded to pull himself back from what seemed like a hopeless situation and now he shows others how to do the same."
Dr. Claire Bolton MBChB
Jenny Saunders BSc, MSc
"The Linden Method creates a full and successful recovery using targeted and supportive resources that are only available through this Method. The Linden Method is, in my opinion, the solution to anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, OCD and all their associated symptoms. Other therapies don't produce these results that is for sure."
Jenny Saunders BSc, MSc
Consultant Psychologist
"I endorse the Linden Method with highest regards"
"As a psychologist that has been treating anxiety and depression for over 25 years, I can espouse the effectiveness of the Linden Method. It has its basis in the foundation of cognitive behavioral and cognitive restructuring theory which is the treatment of choice of all anxiety and depressive disorders. For those of you that have suffered from either anxiety or depression, you know that the medication only serves to numb one's experience of the real world. You also know that "talk therapy" cannot give you the tranquility that you desperately need. You most likely have spent thousands of dollars of health insurance money and money of your own to find peace of mind.
The Linden Method gives you all the tools you need to work on your issues on an hour-by-hour basis. The beauty of this method is that you are the master of your own destiny. You monitor your own progress and rely on other's feedback to insure progress. Unlike other self-help programs, the Linden Method give you one year of ongoing support from a professional like me to help you in places where you might get stuck.
I have been trained by the very best in the field psychology and psychiatry as you can see by my credentials, and I endorse the Linden Method with highest regards. It give you all that you need, however, you must be willing to follow through. As in all treatment methods, compliance is mandatory. Haven't you suffered enough? The cure is at your disposal. Why wait?"
Dr Romulo Valdez Phd - Harvard Medical School
Romulo Valdez, Jr., Ph.D. is one of America's leading Psychologists.
"The method is backed by science, numerous psychologists around the world recommend this program and it has 100's of thousands of success stories."
"You may or may not have heard of the Linden Method, in a nutshell it is a system that reprograms your brain not to have a panic or anxiety attack. It does this by targeting the causes at a brain level. Your Amygdala is the area of your brain that triggers off the anxiety sensations. If you target this area then you can stop those anxious feelings, and hence stop panic attacks, along with other fears and phobias such as agoraphobia.
Now there are many methods out there, but the Linden Method is something special. Charles Linden's knowledge is extensive. He is an ex-sufferer, so knows exactly where you are coming from. As for the program, well it is great. The successes occur quickly, for some relief is almost instant, for others you may need to wait for a few days or up to a few weeks to get full success. But if you've suffered for years, then a few weeks is worth waiting for.
The Linden Method is very simple; you are not overwhelmed with techniques you have to do. In fact this is very simple to follow and implement. The method is backed by science, numerous psychologists around the world recommend this program and it has 100's of thousands of success stories."
Dr. George Best
Ian Northcott BA (Hons) DHyp MHF FASC MHS MHRS MANLP
"The Linden Method doesn't dwell on giving blame or looking for reasons, it simply gives you the answers you need right now to defeat your anxiety and return quickly to lasting wellness, anxiety free."
Ian Northcott BA (Hons) DHyp MHF FASC MHS MHRS MANLP
Jane Griffiths, Nurse Practitioner and PTSD counsellor
"In my experience as a Nurse Practitioner and PTSD counsellor especially, I believe that The Linden Method is the most common sense approach to anxiety disorders including panic attacks available.
I believe that the method is the 'bare bones' of the solution, the 'Roadmap' as Charles calls it. In truth, the method is not only the solution but a very simple to follow and the most impressively successful solution available.
This method puts other solutions to shame, it really does. I have seen CBT, medicinal therapies and other so called cures fail; Charles has cured the sufferers after they had given up hope. There is no other method that I would trust and have as much faith in as this."
Jenny Saunders BSc, MSc
Nurse Practitioner and PTSD counsellor